Annual Report 2020
2019-2020 has been another challenging and busy year for Community Legal WA. We have continued…
Ending imprisonment for unpaid fines
Finally, new legislation providing common sense alternatives to prison for people who cannot pay their…
Participation of people with a disability in jury service
Community Legal WA (CLWA) welcomes the opportunity to provide a response to the Discussion Paper…
A Therapeutic Approach (Pilot Court) for Protection & Care in the Childrens Court of WA
CLWA gives credit to the President of the Children’s Court for recognising the gravity of…
Submission to the Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System
In 2018-19, 43% of all clients of CLC’s in WA were families with dependent children,…
Annual Report 2019
The last year has been extremely busy and somewhat frustrating for Community Legal Centres. The…
Review of the National Partnership Agreement on Legal Assistance Services 2015 – 2020
The CLC sector must be recognised and respected as a genuine partner alongside serviceusers in…