Staff from our member centres can find resources, learn about networks and training and update service details.

Update your centre’s details
If your centre’s details have changed, let us know using this form.
It’s important to keep your centre’s details up to date, as this information drives our centre listings for members of the community looking for legal help.
Member Resources
We are updating our resources and building a new hub of member documents, to share best practice and support centres.
This will be available to all staff of Member centres.
Check back soon to see the new resources, or subscribe to our bulletin so we can keep you informed.
Member Engagement Forums
CLWA supports CPD, training, networking and sector collaboration through two Member Engagement Forums a year.
Members Bulletin
CLWA sends a fortnightly newsletter to members, including training and development opportunities, sector news and updates.
CPD and Training
CLWA provides a calendar of training and continuous professional development for members.
Subscribe to the bulletin for more information on training.
Sector Networks
The community legal sector has several networks which meet regularly, including a network for community legal education workers, family and domestic violence, and for centre managers. Contact us for more information on joining networks.
CLCs Australia supports a wide range of national networks.
CLWA works with colleagues across Australia to deliver the National Accreditation Scheme for community legal centres.