Become a member
We are Community Legal WA, the peak body for community legal centres in Western Australia. Eligible centres can become a member and receive the benefits of membership

Community Legal WA is the peak body for community legal centres in WA. We currently have 26 members, including 23 community legal centres and three Family Violence Prevention Legal Services (FVPLS).
Full membership is open to any community legal centre incorporated in Western Australia. Full Members must provide legal services as part of their work, which could include; advice, advocacy, casework, community legal education, law reform, legal policy and other legal services.
Associate Membership
We also have 3 associate members – Law Access, Arts Law and Knowmore Legal.
Associate membership is open to organisations, groups or individuals that comply with the membership obligations and that operate in Western Australia.
Join us – Become a member
Contact us for more information or to apply for your centre to become a member.
Membership Benefits
As the peak body for community legal centres in WA our purpose is to strengthen and support the community legal sector, improve human rights and access to justice.
We provide a number of services and benefits for our members in the following areas:
- Build and amplify the sector’s voice to influence government policy and decisions, with the aim of increasing access to justice and human rights.
- Lead conversations and consultations with the sector to develop policy positions and advocacy to State and Federal Governments.
- Represent the sector to Commonwealth and State Government to: secure increased and sustainable funding and for fair contracts and commissioning and procurement practices.
- Keep the sector informed about reforms, opportunities, and risks in policy and politics.
Sector Development
- National Accreditation Scheme to provide a sector led accreditation and certification process for community legal centres.
- Sector development projects to enhance sustainability, leadership and services and Lived Experience Project.
- Supporting collaboration between community legal centres through sector events and regular network meetings.
Legal Practice
- Administration of the Professional Indemnity Insurance Scheme and Risk Management Guide requirements.
- Quality Assured Provider Status with the Legal Practice Board.
- Representation on the National PII Committee.
Training and Support
- CLWA provides a calendar of training for member centre staff, including Continuous Professional Development (CPD) for lawyers.
- Members can access bulk purchase of employee assistance program
- Member Engagement Forums [link to Events page] providing CPD, training, networking and collaboration opportunities.
- Members Bulletin – a fortnightly newsletter including training and development opportunities, sector news and updates. Subscribe here.