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Jane’s Story

Jane* lives in a rural town in Western Australia. Jane and her husband separated, and Jane began court proceedings to allow her to relocate with her son back to South Australia. Jane does shift work and is on a very low income.  She has no support network in WA to assist her with her son and was unable to attend appointments on a regular basis at the South West Community Legal Centre in Bunbury. 

However, Jane was able to attend the Centre’s Outreach Office, located close to her home.

The South West Community Legal Centre Outreach service was able to assist Jane in the following ways:

  1. Provide her with advice on a regular basis, throughout the court proceedings.
  2. Provide advice quickly, with the outreach lawyer present to look over relevant documents and advise Jane in person.
  3. Assistance for Jane with the drafting of court documents.
  4. Allow Jane to conduct her Family Court matter confidently.

With the support of the South West Community Legal Centre Jane’s matter settled during trial. Jane reported that the Magistrate said that he had never come across such a well-prepared self-litigant!

* Real names have not been used to respect the confidentiality of clients.