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CLWA 2023 State Budget Submission

CLWA’s State Budget Submission 2023-24 is a result of conversations with our members across the state, about the need they see in their communities and the issues faced by their clients. They have told us what would help them to better meet that need. Our submission is also based on what our fellow community services peaks are seeing, and what the data and evidence tell us.

Our submission provides recommendations across 5 key areas towards a stronger, fairer future where all Western Australians have access to justice, no matter how much money they have or where they live.

  1. Increased investment in community legal centres.
  2. Government investment to support the development of integrated service approaches.
  3. Increased, sustainable investment in tenancy advice and education services.
  4. State government investment in culturally responsive and accessible legal help for Aboriginal people, through funding for Family Violence Prevention Legal Services.
  5. Government investment to scope and develop the role of WA CLCs in climate justice, and to help identify and address new legal assistance demands from climate change.

The submission is a key advocacy document as we encourage decision-makers to consider the wide-ranging social and economic benefits of access to timely, person-centred and place-based legal help.

You can also read a summary here.