Our Vision
As the peak body for community legal centres, our vision is for a fair WA, where everybody has access to justice. We have developed our five year strategic priorities to work towards this long-term vision.

Strategic Priorities 2024-2029
Our priorities for the next five years are to improve laws and policy and strengthen the community legal services sector, ensuring there is improved funding, capability and collaboration to achieve positive community outcomes.
We will do this through:
- Building our collective voice and sector advocacy
- Supporting leadership and training for members
- Influencing government policy and laws, to enhance human rights and access to justice
- Supporting sustainability, collaboration and service improvement
- Campaigning for increased, sustainable funding
- Supporting greater use of sector data to demonstrate impact
- Enabling Lived Experience Voices to be heard.
Our Commitment to Reconciliation
In 2017, we published our formal statement of commitment to reconciliation. We commissioned Danika Eades to produce a piece of art to complement the words in the Statement. Danika has titled her work Moordidjabiny – “Becoming Stronger”.

Family Violence Prevention Legal Services
We work with our three Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation members to support their quality and capability, and their collaboration with other services, and campaign for fair and sustainable funding for Family Violence Prevention Legal Services, recognising their unique service model and ensuring that culturally secure services are available across WA.
Justice Reform
We recognise that First Nations people are over-represented in the justice system and as members of Social Reinvestment WA, we campaign to reform the youth justice system and raise the age. We also advocate for appropriate recognition of the legal assistance needs of Aboriginal people and for strengthening Aboriginal Community Controlled Services, so that Aboriginal people can more easily access legal help.