Sector Advocacy
A key focus of our work is to build and amplify the sector’s voice to influence government policy and decisions, with the aim of increasing access to justice and human rights.

Focus on Funding
Community legal centres and Family Violence Prevention Legal Services need to have enough sustainable funding to meet the needs of clients and communities across the state and to keep up with rising costs of service delivery. We advocate for increased and sustainable funding at Commonwealth and state levels by engaging Members of Parliament, working with government to influence legal assistance policy and by making budget submissions.
We also represent our members to state government on commissioning, procurement processes and for fairer contracts with indexation to meet rising costs.
Legal Assistance Policy
Over the last two years we have influenced the development of the WA Legal Assistance Strategy, the WA Legal Assistance Workforce Strategy and broader sector collaboration through work with other legal assistance providers and government.
National Collaboration
We also work closely with our colleagues in other states and territories and the national peak body to advocate for increased and sustainable funding at Commonwealth level. Over the last two years, much of our work has been focused on the Review of the National Legal Assistance Partnership agreement, which is the primary policy that governs our member’s services, and establishes Commonwealth funding.
Issues that matter
When we can, we also work on related government policy that affects our members or the clients they help. This can include policy and reviews on things like financial counselling, family and domestic violence, disaster response, fines and infringements, and homelessness.
Read more about our work for fairer laws in WA and the campaigns we support